Thinking Deeply – Aiming High!
IV Moscow
Teacher Training
9 апреля 2022
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Конференции для преподавателей английского языка

Это мероприятие точно для вас, если вы
Преподаватель английского языка
Вы сможете более эффективно обучать студентов. Мотивированные ученики будут выбирать именно вас!
Вы получите полезные идеи и практики от мировых законодателей методик из первых уст
Владелец или директор языковой школы
Вы будете на шаг впереди других! А сотрудники будут благодарны такому руководителю!
за 1 день повышение квалификации
20+ мировых спикеров
32 ак.ч. в программе и удостоверении
Мультиформатная конференция
Вы получите удостоверение о повышении квалификации от BKC-IH Moscow Teacher Training Centre.
Вы посетите очные лекции в Москве, интерактивные воркшопы и профессиональную нетворкинг сессию.
Мы дарим закрытые лекции прошлой конференции.
Получите знания, которых нет в интернете
Мы отобрали для Вас наиболее интересные и актуальные доклады. Вы получите знания от мировых экспертов из первых уст и сможете пообщаться со спикерами, задать интересующие вопросы и получить профессиональные ответы.
WOW! Легендарный Stephen Krashen на пленарной сессии!
Нетворкинг и розыгрыш призов от международных издательств
Обретёте деловые знакомства и связи. Зарядитесь мотивацией, позитивными эмоциями и отличным настроением! Сможете обменяться своими мыслями и идеями с коллегами-единомышленниками.
Выставка-продажа от международных издательств и розыгрыш ценных призов.
Приятная атмосфера
Фотозона и профессиональный фотограф дадут возможность сохранить тёплые воспоминания о мероприятии.
Кофе-брейк, фуршет с шампанским и вкуснейшим тортом от кондитеров.
Брендированный набор сувениров.
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Спикеры конференции

Свое обучение нам доверяют

Главные темы

Exam Preparation and Academic/ Business English
Young Learners and Teens
Mindfulness and Well-being
Language and Linguistics
Advanced Methodology


10.00 - 10.15
10.15 - 11.15
Online Plenary session
Fundamentals of language acquisition: The power of fiction
Fundamentals of language acquisition: The power of fiction
We acquire (not learn) language in only one way: When we understand what we hear or read, when we get "comprehensible input." The best input for language acquisition is "compelling," so interesting that we forget we are listening to or reading in another language. One form of compelling comprehensible input is stories, otherwise known as "fiction" or "literature."
Stephen Krashen
11.15 - 11.45
Coffee break and networking (availble in the cafeteria)
11.45 - 12.45
Session 1
Designing successful speaking skills tasks
Designing successful speaking skills tasks
Speaking is a key skill that students need and want to develop when they study English. Communicative speaking tasks help them do it in class (online or face-to-face) with a real conversational partner. In this session we will be learning how to design speaking tasks that develop oral fluency, accuracy and complexity. Together we will be designing a task as if we were writing a material for another teacher and her students. This will help us realise what aspects of task design are necessary to keep in mind in order to run the task successfully later.
Olga Connolly
The IELTS Truths you're so eager to know
The IELTS Truths you're so eager to know
As there is so much different and unreliable information about IELTS, many teachers are confused or believe the wrong things. I will present facts about the exam's organisation, assessment, format, strategies and preparation from the official sources, my own experience taking the test and from teaching students who then sat IELTS. Attendees will discuss questions and myths about IELTS to find out the truth (pair/group work). The session is practical as it will provide teachers with the exam info with teaching dos and donts to use in their classes. For new and experienced IELTS teachers.
Maria Molashenko
Boost your Teaching Skills through Action Research
Boost your Teaching Skills through Action Research
The best teachers are problem solvers and experimenters - they always want to improve their skills and the effectiveness of their lessons. One way to do this systematically, in a principled way is to run action research projects. In this session, we will look at the kinds of teaching experiments we might want to perform, how we might go about setting these up and monitoring them, how to decide what counts as success, and whether success is even something we need to be worried about. It is based on my seven years of running the IH Certificate of Advanced Methodology, which marries action research with self evaluation, among other benefits!
Heather Belgorodtseva
Adapting lessons and courses for different companies and types of business
Adapting lessons and courses for different companies and types of business
This session is for the teachers who work or are planning to work as teachers of English for different companies, and who need to tailor their courses to the needs or requirements of a particular group of students. We will cover different adaptation techniques and look at various real life cases from BKC-IH Incompany department. Participants will get to participate in devising a specially adapted program for different areas, levels and companies.
Olga Fomina
12.45 - 13.00
Break (coffee will be provided)
13.00 - 14.00
Session 2
Learners with Special Education Needs and Difficulties (SEND): ELT as a Treasure Trove for Education.
Learners with Special Education Needs and Difficulties (SEND): ELT as a Treasure Trove for Education.
In this talk I will explain how we can identify learners with SEND in our classes and outline some methods and approaches that can benefit all learners, including those with SEND. This is so much more possible in English lessons because what ELT professionals have contributed to developing methods and approaches of teaching. Assumptions about language learning benefit the entire educational area and have been borrowed by pedagogical design specialists.
Irina Malinina
Three Cs of Quality Writing
Three Cs of Quality Writing
In this session, we will discuss challenges related to advanced writing that many of our students face when writing for academic, business and exams purposes. We will invite the participants to consider the following questions: Are the English writing conventions different from (for example) the Russian ones? Does complex mean complicated? What makes the writer appear more knowledgeable and competent? What ensures a positive effect on the reader? By evaluating and editing samples of writing, we will identify and practise linguistic strategies that can enhance the quality of writing. These lifehacks will help us and our students boost writing skills.
Anna Kashcheeva, Tatiana Golechkova
How to lift your lesson out of the coursebook
How to lift your lesson out of the coursebook
How often we see bored students and tired teachers! It is often claimed that this is the result of bad prior teaching or poorly designed course books. There is a perfect tool for catering to everyone's demands — scaffolding! What’s the opposite of scaffolding a lesson? Saying to students, “Open your books, look at page 9, do exercises 1-10. Check the answers in the answer key”. Boredom is inevitable. Let’s have a look at some hands on, useful scaffolding ideas and techniques that help enhance teaching and lift everyone’s heads out of the books, without throwing the coursebook out altogether.
Nataliya Tutantseva
Half-Sick of Shadows: Maintaining your physical and mental wellbeing in an online-teaching world
Half-Sick of Shadows: Maintaining your physical and mental wellbeing in an online-teaching world
The sweet idea of teaching from the comfort of your home can easily lead to a plethora of complications to your physical and mental health. Join us to gain some insight into how we can mindfully and efficiently address some of the most common health-related pitfalls of teaching online.
Bojan Lazarevski
14.00 - 14.45
Lunch break and networking (available in the cafeteria)
14.45 - 15.45
Session 3
The importance of soft skills for students
The importance of soft skills for students
Do you think there is any link between soft and hard skills when it comes to EFL learning? How can lack of soft skills impact hard skills? These are the questions that have bothered me for a while. This topic can be considered from both teachers and students' perspective. In my session we will talk about how students can acquire soft skills in English, and the main question is why they are necessary for language learning.
Anastasiia Dereviankina
The gigantic elephant in the room: Language Awareness for Teachers
The gigantic elephant in the room: Language Awareness for Teachers
We love new methodologies and techniques! We can’t get enough of technology in class! However, very little is said about one the most gigantic elephants in the room: OUR ENGLISH! In this interactive talk, you will be prompted to reflect about your language use and how it impacts your practice, and together, we will look into (free-of-charge) tools to help you become more prepared and confident about your language and how our learners benefit from a language-aware teacher. This talk is aimed at NNS (non-native speakers), but anyone is more than welcome to join our discussion.
Danilo Ribeiro
Classroom management from a different perspective
Classroom management from a different perspective
For the past two years I’ve worked for different primary schools in Moscow where I’ve liaised with my Russian counterparts. I learned quite a lot especially when it comes to classroom management. For instance, practitioners of social-communicative play method successfully promote cooperative learning and pair and small group-work even among pre-schoolers, let alone primary school kids. In my talk I would like to share some techniques I picked up, including how to use your voice, posture, body language, and movement.
Vita Khitruk
How to set aims for an exam preparation lesson
How to set aims for an exam preparation lesson
Preparing students to take an exam, such as the Cambridge exams, involves many things and it is not always easy to decide what to concentrate on in a single lesson. Often, trying to cover as much as possible, we lose sight of making the lesson a complete, well rounded lesson, and we also forget to take into account what they have studied before, and what stage of exam preparation we are in. Another possible danger is that exam preparation may turn into mere repetitive execution of exam tasks. This talk will focus on approaches to effective lesson aim setting when preparing students for exams - what to select, what to leave alone for this lesson, and what our decisions depend on, especially for higher level exams.
Natalia Borisova
15.45 - 16.00
16.00 - 17.00
Session 4
Is it possible to reach native proficiency in a foreign language?
Is it possible to reach native proficiency in a foreign language?
‘Can I ever become 'like a native' while learning a foreign language?’ This is the question that almost every learner of a foreign language may ask themselves or their teachers. What scientific research can tell us about this possibility? What role does the age play in reaching 'native' proficiency? How early in our life should we start to achieve it? Is there a moment when it is already too late? And is it a valid learning target: ‘to speak like a native’? In my talk, I am going to address all these questions and speak about some crucial notions of Second Language Acquisition theory. I am going to give you a brief overview of current research on the topic and suggest some answers that science can offer us.
Polina Kordik
The Connection between art, literature, the personality of the teacher and genuine communication
The Connection between art, literature, the personality of the teacher and genuine communication
Teachers usually devote most of their time to planning their lessons, reading professional literature and completing different kinds of methodology courses. They often forget that if they don't read for pleasure, don't watch movies or go to the exhibitions, they soon might not only lose the thread with the reality but find it difficult to bond with their students. In this workshop, we'll do 4 or 5 communicative tasks and reflect on the types of tasks, working out what genuine communication is, how to set it up properly and what makes a good task. We'll look at 6 features of a future foreign language teacher and what we can do to maintain our professional and personal growth.
Irina Grekova
Asynchronous learning using messaging apps
Asynchronous learning using messaging apps
Many teachers want to get in on the trend of online learning, but what are the options? There are various easy-to-use apps, but many of them don’t encourage real communication. So, what about the apps we all already have on our phones that we use every day to communicate? Messaging apps like WhatsApp and Telegram open up new opportunities for teachers to give students a more authentic communicative experience, while capitalizing on their convenience. I’ll share my experience of running a Telegram channel for high-level students, tell you about its benefits and challenges and the way I organize everything.
Daria Talanova
Language Marcheth on Despite Lockdowns, Laziness and Language Teachers.
Language Marcheth on Despite Lockdowns, Laziness and Language Teachers.
Language is a constantly changing organism. Using some examples of recent and no-so-recent linguistic changes we will explore the reasons why language change is inevitable, look at how grammar emerges from usage (both at historical and developmental level) and highlight some so-called grammar rules that offer little value to the learner and even misrepresent how language is used.
Leo Selivan
17.00 - 18.30
Closing Ceremony including prizes + networking and skills share

Форматы участия

Форматы участия


8 500 ₽
  • Участие в онлайн-формате из вебинарной комнаты
  • Подключение к стримингу живых лекций
  • Доступ к записям онлайн и офлайн сессий
  • Участие в розыгрыше призов
  • Электронный сертификат участника
  • Удостоверение о повышении квалификации и сертификат участника
  • Праздничный фуршет
  • Фотографии от профессионального фотографа


10 500 ₽
8 500 ₽
  • Живое участие в конференции
  • 28 ак.ч. материалов прошлой конференции
  • Доступ к записям сессий
  • Участие в розыгрыше призов
  • Удостоверение о повышении квалификации и сертификат участника в день мероприятия
  • Закуски и праздничный фуршет
  • Фотографии от профессионального фотографа
  • Брендовый набор сувениров


9 500 ₽
  • Участие в онлайн-формате из вебинарной комнаты
  • Подключение в день конференции к онлайн-блокам
  • Доступ к записям онлайн и офлайн сессий
  • Участие в розыгрыше призов
  • Удостоверение о повышении квалификации и сертификат участника в день мероприяти
  • Праздничный фуршет
  • Фотографии от профессионального фотографа


8 500 ₽
  • Участие в онлайн-формате из вебинарной комнаты
  • Подключение к стримингу живых лекций
  • Доступ к записям онлайн и офлайн сессий
  • Участие в розыгрыше призов
  • Электронный сертификат участника
  • Удостоверение о повышении квалификации и сертификат участника
  • Праздничный фуршет
  • Фотографии от профессионального фотографа


9 500 ₽
  • Участие в онлайн-формате из вебинарной комнаты
  • Подключение в день конференции к онлайн-блокам
  • Доступ к записям онлайн и офлайн сессий
  • Участие в розыгрыше призов
  • Удостоверение о повышении квалификации и сертификат участника в день мероприяти
  • Праздничный фуршет
  • Фотографии от профессионального фотографа


10 500 ₽
8 500 ₽
  • Живое участие в конференции
  • 28 ак.ч. материалов прошлой конференции
  • Доступ к записям сессий
  • Участие в розыгрыше призов
  • Удостоверение о повышении квалификации и сертификат участника в день мероприятия
  • Закуски и праздничный фуршет
  • Фотографии от профессионального фотографа
  • Брендовый набор сувениров

Место проведения

г. Москва, ул. Газетный переулок 3-5, стр. 1
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